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vmrm(1) man page


vmrmdelete a virtual machine home directory


vmrm [-hkqrvy] vmhome_dir …


Delete a virtual machine home directory.
vmhome_dir must be a valid virtual machine home directory. It must not be running, must have no child (unless -r has been used) and the user will be prompted before deleting any file (unless -y has been used).
If the vmhome_dir directory becomes empty, it will be deleted, otherwise a warning message will be displayed.


The options are as follows:
Show usage information summary then exit.
Keep the storage image and other unrecognized files, only select vmtools(7) own files for deletion.
Decrease verbosity. Add several -q options to decrease verbosity even more (-qq by default to get minimal output). See vmtools.conf(5) for more information about verbosity levels.
See -v to increase the verbosity level.
Recursive mode: remove all child virtual machines too.
No child virtual machine must be running. Child virtual machines located in external directories will also be deleted. Unrelated virtual machines located in vmhome_dir subdirectories are not affected.
Increase verbosity. Add several -v options to increase verbosity even more (-vvv by default to get the most verbose output, including debugging messages). See vmtools.conf(5) for more information about verbosity levels.
See -q to decrease the verbosity level.
Don’t ask any question: accept all confirmation requests and automatically select the default answer in any other situation.
Use this option with great care: no confirmation will be asked before deleting or overwriting any files!


Default location to store temporary files, by default /tmp.
Location of user’s configuration files, by default ~/.config.


Libraries shared by the vmtools project utilities.
Virtual machine default settings, see vmtools.conf(5).
Moreover, the content of /usr/local/share/vmtools can be overridden in the following locations (in the order of precedence):
User overrides (if cfg_include_userhome is set to “yes”).
System-wide overrides.


The vmrm utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Example 1:
Delete a single virtual machine:
vmrm ./myVM
Example 2:
Recursively delete all virtual machines located in a directory:
vmrm -r ~/trash/*


Please send bug reports to the vmtools issues page.

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