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vminfo(1) man page


vminforeport information on a virtual machine


vminfo [-abhilqstvy] [vmhome_path …]


Report various information on a virtual machine.
The various type of information available is described in Category selection options below. If no category option is provided, -itsb is assumed.
vmhome_path must be a valid virtual machine home directory. If no value is provided, the current working directory is assumed.


Category selection options

The category selection options are as follows:
Display storage backend information.
List all enabled storage devices.
If the device is associated to a backend file, outputs its path, and if this path points to a local file display information about the file type as detected by the file(1) utility.
The long output differs only for local files: more technical information is displayed regarding the file content, including the display of the complete backing chain for QCow2 files.
Display general information.
By default the virtual machine name, its status (running or not) and if it is running the PID associated to it are displayed.
The long output also adds the number of parent (either 0 or 1) and childs, the type of display used (and the associated URL if applicable), the path to the Qemu monitor socket file, the user owner of the Qemu process and resource consumption information (memory, CPU and disk space).
See also the vmps(1) command to get information on currently running virtual machines.
Display virtual machine settings.
Outputs all virtual machine settings applied. The short output only displays settings directly set in the virtual machine settings file or inherited from ancestors, it does not include default settings.
The long output completes the short output with the default value of all available virtual machine settings and vmtools(7) settings.
For more information on a particular setting entry, see vmtools.conf(5).
Display virtual machines forks tree.
Display the complete virtual machines forks tree to which the current virtual machine belongs. The name of each virtual machine is displayed, as well as its current status:
Current virtual machine.
Running virtual machines.
The long output adds the path to the home directory of each virtual machine.
By default the tree uses UTF-8 characters for its formatting, see -a if this behavior is undesirable.

Other options

The other options are as follows:
Use ASCII characters for formatting purpose instead of UTF-8.
Currently this option has an effect only if the virtual machines forks tree output (-t) is enabled, other information categories do not use any UTF-8 formatting character.
Show usage information summary then exit.
Enables long output.
The exact effect depends on the enabled information categories. See Category selection options for a description of the effect of enabling the long output on each information category.
This option must not be mistaken with -v which enables messages mainly used for debugging purposes.
Decrease verbosity. Add several -q options to decrease verbosity even more (-qq by default to get minimal output). See vmtools.conf(5) for more information about verbosity levels.
See -v to increase the verbosity level.
Increase verbosity. Add several -v options to increase verbosity even more (-vvv by default to get the most verbose output, including debugging messages). See vmtools.conf(5) for more information about verbosity levels.
See -q to decrease the verbosity level.
This option must not be mistaken with the -l option.
Don’t ask any question: accept all confirmation requests and automatically select the default answer in any other situation.
Use this option with great care: no confirmation will be asked before deleting or overwriting any files!


Default location to store temporary files, by default /tmp.
Location of user’s configuration files, by default ~/.config.


Libraries shared by the vmtools project utilities.
Virtual machine default settings, see vmtools.conf(5).
Moreover, the content of /usr/local/share/vmtools can be overridden in the following locations (in the order of precedence):
User overrides (if cfg_include_userhome is set to “yes”).
System-wide overrides.


The vminfo utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Example 1:
Get an overview of the current virtual machine:
cd ~/myVM 
Example 2:
Check the structure of a virtual machine tree:
vminfo -tl ~/myVM


Please send bug reports to the vmtools issues page.

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